A document to follow in case of an industrial injury is the GOVERNMENT DECREE Nr. 494/2001 Coll., to regulate methods of injury filing and reporting, specimen of an injury report, and the list of authorities and institutions to notify of an industrial injury and deliver an injury report. SPECIMEN of an injury report can be obtained from us.
What to do if someone gets injured at work
Act calmly, with deliberation, but fast.
1. Help:
poskytnout první pomoc - uklidnit postiženého - přivolat lékaře (eventuelně zajistit dopravu k lékaři) - dle potřeby přivolat policii, hasiče
2. Protect:
Protect the place of accident (warning light, warning flag, acoustic alarm) – keep the area around the place of accident safe (roads, construction material, stop engines, switch off electrical appliances…) – collect information on the place of accident (take photos, make a schematic drawing)
3. Inform (the management, trade unions):
WHAT happened
WHERE did that happen
TO WHOM (how many persons were injured)
KDO reports
Next steps – filing, reporting, and delivering injury report (pursuant to Government Decree Nr. 494/2001 Coll.) :
An employer shall record injuries in the Injury Log to have all data needed for an injury report available. An employer shall issue an injury report no later than within 5 work days after receiving an industrial injury notification and shall follow the specimen of an injury report enclosed to the Government Decree.
For the purposes thereof, a fatal accident shall mean an injury to health causing death immediately after the injury or an injury to health in consequence of which the employer died within one year.
(1) The employer shall send an industrial injury notification without unnecessary delay to
a) The prosecuting attorney, or to the appropriate Czech Police office if the facts established show that a crime was committed in relation with the industrial injury,
b) The Trade Union body or an employees’ representative responsible for occupational health and safety,
c) The employer who sent the injured employee to work there,
d) The insurance company where it took out and maintains in effect workers’ compensation insurance,
e) The regional Work Inspectorate if the accident happened in workplace, on building sites or during activities subject to its supervision; or to regional mining authorities if the activities performed, the workplace or the technical equipment are subject to their superintendence pursuant to the applicable law, or if the injury to health requires that the injured person stay in hospital for more than 5 days.
(2) The employer shall send a fatal accident notification without unnecessary delay to
a) The appropriate Czech Police office,
b) The Trade Union body or an employees’ representative responsible for occupational health and safety,
c) The employer who sent the injured employee to work there,
d) The regional Work Inspectorate if the accident happened in workplace, on building sites or during activities subject to its supervision; or to regional mining authorities if the activities performed, the workplace or the technical equipment are subject to their superintendence pursuant to the applicable law,
e) The health insurance company who insured the injured person,
f) The insurance company where it took out and maintains in effect workers’ compensation insurance.
The employer shall send industrial injury records for the previous month no later than by the fifth day of the following month to
a) The regional Work Inspectorate if the accident happened in workplace, on building sites or during activities subject to its supervision; or to regional mining authorities if the activities performed, the workplace or the technical equipment are subject to their superintendence pursuant to the applicable law,
The employer shall send a fatal accident report within five work days after receiving notification thereof to
a) The appropriate Czech Police office,
b) The regional Work Inspectorate if the accident happened in workplace, on building sites or during activities subject to its supervision; or to regional mining authorities if the activities performed, the workplace or the technical equipment are subject to their superintendence pursuant to the applicable law,
c) The health insurance company who insured the injured person.