- Nearly any work activity brings hazards – these, however, can be significantly limited. Labour Code, Trade Act and other laws, including international EU covenants and EU directives as they are transformed in our legislation impose an obligation upon all employers to introduce all their employees to legal and other regulations to ensure protection of occupational health and safety (OHS).
- Additionally, these regulations require that the awareness of these regulations becomes an integral part of qualification requirements for jobs. This includes, among other duties, regular examination of this safety awareness and compliance checks. And last but not least, employers are obliged to provide their employees with occupational medical care. Employers and their officials and managers on all managerial levels are held responsible, within their respective positions, for compliance with these regulations.
Act Nr. 262/2006 Coll., Labour Code, as amended.
Act Nr. 309/2006 Coll., on securing additional conditions of occupational health and safety, as amended.
Government Decree Nr. 101/2005 Coll., on detailed requirements for workplaces and work environment, as amended
Government Decree Nr. 494/2001 Coll., to regulate methods of injury filing and reporting, specimen of an injury report, and the list of authorities and institutions to notify of an industrial injury and deliver an injury report
Government Decree Nr. 495/2001 Coll., to regulate the scope and detailed conditions for providing personal protective equipment, or washing, cleaning and disinfecting agents.